Category Archives: Anne Maree Higgins

When we are generous in small, barely detectable ways it can change someone else’s life forever…*

Underfoot Records launched the first in its live studio series the “Underfoot Sessions” with Annie Higgin’s “Wise Woman” a song lionizing the everyday woman, making brave choices on a daily basis, juggling work, kids, their hearts and dreams whilst rising to the challenges of each new day.

“Wise Woman” marks the first song recorded in the ‘Underfoot Sessions’ Live Space. Performed hours before Sydney went into lock down – Annie Higgins and Joseph Calderazzo created this acoustic version of her song ‘Wise Woman” and we captured their magic.

Listen to Annie’s single Wise Woman here

*quote by Margaret Cho

Listen Out – Incoming Love bombs from Underfoot Records

Underfoot Records Love Bomb incoming! Four Underfoot Artists released music into the global music ocean on Valentines Day. Spreading love to make up for all the hate in the world.

Love filled bliss bombs, to lift spirits and delight body and soul. We’ve assembled a spotify  playlist  for the occasion, feel free to add  a love song or two, one that gets you feeling all loved up. Because “what the world needs now is love sweet love…….”

Singles included in the release are Seeder’s “Testimony”, Annie Higgins’ “Silence”, Dave Blennerhassett’s “Sea of Love” and Gene Maynard Band’s “Flirting with Mischief.” Share the love

Back on Track-Underfoot Launch

Hallelujah and other exclamations of relief and delight could be heard amongst the invited guests at the Underfoot Launch Party. The 2015 Moontime diary declared that May 23rd was a “great evening to perform or entertain…all creative endeavours are favoured now”! Who could argue with that?

Like a Phoenix from the literal ashes, Underfoot Records is back in business after the fire that decimated spirits and destroyed recording masters 15 years ago. At the invitation only House Party the Underfoot Team welcomed friends and family at what turned into a fabulous extended celebration. After stunning performances from each of the Underfoot artists there was a “For the Camera” contract signing and universal Champagne consumption.  Special thanks to friendly and complimentary neighbours who chose to sit on their balconies and enjoy the songs. With the  Launch the new Underfoot Records website went live-  marked with the long awaited release of 3 singles from  Dave Blennerhassett‘s album Fifty Two Mondays.  A full photo exposé can be found in the gallery,  (Thanks Lani Tupu).  So three cheers for Underfoot and all who sail in her. (Damn Auto correct changed “sail” to “soil”- lucky the edits happened without Champagne)

Here are a few pics of the event, See the full range here